Mosborough. St Mark’s Church.  –  A sacred cantata

Mosborough. St Mark’s Church.  –  A sacred cantata, “Christ and His Soldiers,” was given in the Church on Thursday, to a large congregation. and was rendered most impressively.  The curate-in-charge, the Rev. V. H. Haddelsey, B.A., presided at the organ, the solos being taken by Miss Taylor (Holbrook), Miss Harwood. Miss Walker, and Mrs Chadwick (Mosborough), Mr. George Stone (Beighton), and Mr. G. Humphries (Eckington). The finished performance reflected the greatest Credit on the choir, and Rev. V. H Haddelsey. who had trained them.  Praise also must be awarded to Mr G. Humphries, who possessed of a beautifully clear and resonant voice, and was heard at his best in “The Son of God goes forth to War,” and “When I survey the wondrous Cross.” The collection was in aid of the Church expenses.

 Derbyshire Courier – Tuesday 19 April 1910 © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.