Mrs Taylor of Duke Street, Mosbro has just received an intimation that her husband Private G H Taylor of the Royal Fusiliers, who was wounded in France on 10th September died on 19th September in a hospital at Rouen. His wounds consist of gunshot wounds in the thigh. Mrs Taylor has received a letter from the chaplain, the Rev. Dr Richards saying that it is with regret that he writes to inform her of the death of her husband. His wounds were very serious and from the beginning there was but little hope, and the end came very peacefully. He would be buried at Rouen with full military honours. The deceased enlisted in January 1915 and previous to that he worked at the Beighton Colliery of the Sheffield Coal Co.
George was born to Septimus and Ester Taylor in 1895 in Killamarsh Derbyshire, according to the 1901 Census stated below, when George was at the age of 6 years old. He lived with his brothers Walter, Septimus and his sister Anne.
According to 1911 Census, at the age of 16 George lived on Sheffield Road Killamarsh, he worked as a Miner Pony Driver below ground. He still lived with his parents and is sister Anne and a brother called Fred aged 8 years old.
George enlisted in January 1915 into the Royal Fusiliers, the 22nd battalion, his regimental number was 1331.
George died of wounds on 19 September 1919 in France, he was buried at St Sever Cemetery Rouen.
The Second Part M to Z with full military honours. He was 21 years of age.
The forms below confirms the above wording written on George’s headstone, and the Graves Registration Report Form stating where George Taylor was laid to rest.
Listed below is the Roll of Individuals entited to the Victory Medal and the British War Medal granted under orders 266 & 301.
The Victory Medal and the British War Medal
George H Taylor’s effects went to his wife Dorothy Taylor who remarried in 1917 to Edward Livesey.
George was married in 1914 to Dorothy according to Ancestry records.
Memories from Lisa Gascoigne ‘s her Great Grandad. Click here to read more:
Credit to:; www.cwgc.or ; (Linda Taylor (nee Staton)