A whist drive and a dance were held in the Endowed Schools Wednesday, in aid of the Rod Cross Society’s funds. The proceeds were handed over to Mrs. E. Wells, of Elmwood. The arrangements were carried out the following committee: .Messrs. E. Redfern. K Lee. J.  E. Stabbing. R. Greaves and J Buckley.

The boys and girls of the Endowed Schools have made collection amongst themselves and raised the sum of £1 6s 1d. on behalf of the Derbyshire Education Committee’s. Fund towards assisting poor children to buy spectacles after being examined by the County school doctor.


A meeting was held in the Endowed school on Saturday, respecting the appointment of collectors towards the cost of forwarding every Derbyshire man at the front a Christmas parcel, containing 12 different articles. The local War Relief secretary. Mr T. Lee. reported that had received over 50 names of Mosbro’ men who were on active service. suggested that Mr. W. H. Holmes (headmaster of Mosbro School and Mr E. J. Roberts (head-master of Halfway School), should arrange the collection amongst the senior girls and they willingly agreed to do so.