A scene at one of the tea-tables. In the picture are (left to right): Rev. M. Holmes (Vicar), Vincent Fisher, Miss Wells, Mr. G. J. Holroyd, Canon W. B. Hewson (Eckington), Mrs. Rotherham Cecil (Dronfield), who opened the fete, and Mrs. Reg. Lucas (Dronfield).
Mosbro St. Mark’s Church has this week been celebrating its golden jubilee, on Tuesday an evensong was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. M. Holmes), the preacher being the Rev. J. K. Cecil Payne. Vicar of Gorefleld, who some 20 years ago was priest in charge of the Mosbro’ Church.
On Wednesday morning a Sung Eucharist and procession was conducted by the Vicar, assisted by the Rev. Payne. Unsettled weather interfered with the arrangements for a garden party in the grounds of Elmwood, by permission of the Wells family, but the sun shone at intervals and the effort realised approximately £37, including several donations.
The Vicar presided and speaking of Church stated that electric lighting was to be installed as a memorial to the late Mrs. Sophia Wells, of Elmwood. In declaring the event open, Mrs. Rotherham Cecil, of Dronfield, said it much like old times, when her associations with Mosbro’ were much closer. She spoke in eloquent terms of the interest and support given by the Wells family to the Mosbro’ Church, and a little surprise was provided when a silver trowel was produced, which was presented to the late Mrs. Mary Wells following the laying of the Church foundation stone by her on August 14th, 1886.
Canon W R. Hewson (Rector of Eckington) proposed a vote of thanks and commended the activities of Mrs. Rotherham Cecil in the many parishes. The Rev. J. K. Cecil Payne supported. A bouquet was presented to Mrs. Rotherham Cecil by Master Vincent Fisher. Supporting Mrs. Rotherham Cecil at the opening was Miss M. Wells, of Elmwood.
Stalls and those in charge included: Vicar’s stall, Mrs. C. Clayton and Mrs. G. Grant; shilling in the bucket, choir boys; skittles, Mr. C. H. Clarke; bagatelle. Messrs. F. Newton and J. Newton; clock golf, Miss A. Freeman; cake and sweets, Miss M. Wells and Miss Stooke; teas, by the Ladies’ Working Party, supervised by Mrs. Kitson. Hewitt darts, choir boys; guessing competition, Mr. E. A. Jones; tennis tournament, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stubbins. Madame Mary, of Mansfield, was also present. The Halfway Community Coronation Choir, conducted by Mr. J. Anthony, gave items, accompanied at the piano by Mr. A. Tucker, of Sheffield.
Competition winners were; —Tennis, Mrs Knight and F. Havenhand; mystery man, Mrs. Haden; basket of fruit, Mrs. Rhodes; raspberry vinegar, Mr. Potter; bagatelle, Mr. Haden; clock golf, G. Turner; pea guessing, F. Staton; sweets, J. T. Cooper; bucket of household utensils, the Vicar; ankle competition (judges, Miss M. Wells for gents and Mr. E. Stubbins for ladies): Ladies, Miss Rotherham; gents, L. Grant. The proceeds were for the Church heating and lighting fund.
bna (c) Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald – Friday 23 July 1937